Reasons You Are Still Single

There are people who are happily into relationships and there are others who are happy bring single. But then again, there are also a group of people who are still unhappily single. Even after all these years of looking out for someone, they unfortunately have not been able to do so. And there are several […]

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Reasons You Are Still Single

There are people who are happily into relationships and there are others who are happy bring single. But then again, there are also a group of people who are still unhappily single. Even after all these years of looking out for someone, they unfortunately have not been able to do so. And there are several […]

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Top 10 Reasons for Being — and Staying — Monogamous

Peace of mind about STDs. Assuming both of you are true to your vows of sexual fidelity, then you dont have to worry about contracting any (or any more) sexually transmitted infections. Monogamy is good for the world. Being a trusty monogamist is good citizenship as well as good karma: If youre faithful to your […]

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